Sunday, May 31, 2009


Sunday, spent most of the day getting help with math homework from my dad. Sadly, I didnt finish in time to meet up with Amanda and Diana to go to the Anarbor hollywood show. Instead, I went with my mom, my niece and sister-in-law to see the miniature horses we have. They were cool I guess. I dont know how I feel about them yet. One of the bigger horses started naying(sp), it totally freaked me out haha.



Saturday was a busy day. Dawn picked me up around 730am and we headed over to Joels battle of the books competition. His team won three of the seven rounds. He knew his stuff! Then we headed over to pick up Ruthie at church to take her to her baseball game. In the evening everyone was over for dinner for Tracy's Birthday. She really thought we didnt buy her a birthday cake. haha



Friday, I slept in till almost 11 I think. I didnt do much besides go to work at 230. I was sitting on the couch talking to my mom and she went outside to get something from the freezer and found our cats laying in a laundry basket full of clean clothes. haha


Saturday, May 30, 2009


The Lydia tour with Brave Citizens and Eye Alaska hit chain reaction on thursday so of course my friends and I went. It was a blast. It was great seeing so many people. The show sold out and Eye Alaska and Brave Citizens both had great great sets. This picture is of Diana, Cameron and I outside of chain at the end of the show.



    Diana and I went down to San diego to see Brave Citizens, Eye Alaska and Lydia play a show. We were there really early so we were just hanging around merch with Gus. This is Brave Citizens tip box that he made look better haha.


btw- new Brave Citizens and Eye Alaska songs are so AMAZING


Tuesday, a friend asked if I knew anyone who would want her extra Relient K ticket, so I took it! Relient K played a sold out show at the glass house. It was pretty awesome seeing them live considering I have been listening to them since I was little. The picture is of Matt the singer.


Monday, May 25, 2009


Finally finished these birthday cards for Brandon and Gus. 



Sunday, I went with my mom to the mills to find myself a few pairs of shorts. I got three pairs, this purple dress(pictured) and cute black slip on shoes for the dress. It was a good successful shopping day.



Saturday, Mellyza, Gaby and I drove out to Dawn's house so we could go to HOB Anaheim so I could get a ticket for a show in July. Afterwards, we went and ate at Cheesecake Factory. Gaby saw a waiter at the table behind us and thought he was pretty cute. We got him to take a picture with her and Dawn. It was pretty funny.



To your right, its all soot, to your left the firemen, now you are probably wondering why I took a picture of this. Well here is the story: There was a fire right there, it got pretty big and we couldnt tell what was burning in the middle of the street of our neighborhood. My mom and I saw the flames get pretty high and the smoke was thick when the firemen put it out. turns out it was a mattress, I am not sure who or why someone who do that. It was pretty weird.



Thursday night Diana and I went to the roxy out in Los Angeles to see Venus Infers play. Diana did their merch, while we were just hanging out in the merch booth area we decided to stick the Eye Alaska sticker and Brightwood(the blue one with the horn on it) on the wall.



Wednesday was pretty busy. I had class all morning, work all afternoon and then I babysat till around 10pm. I took my math books with me to do homework after the kids went to sleep but I ended up talking to diana and my laptop. haha



So I didnt keep my pictures very organized this week so this could be the wrong day for this picture haha. I am positive that I have taken pictures everyday this week though haha. Anyway, this is a broken window at my work, its to the girls bathroom. A 8th grade boy was kicking a ball against the wall and this is what happened.



Diana and I decided to make these bracelets for the guys in Eye Alaska monday night while we watched a movie with gaby.



Some materials to be used to make a birthday card for a friend.


Saturday, May 16, 2009


Saturday-----Today I woke up and went to babysit Mya and Trenton from 8am to 2pm. We played around with photobooth and imove part of the time. The picture was taken with photobooth. Mya and I also watched the new disney channel show Jonas, totally cute. 



Diana, Amanda and I didnt go out last night. We all stayed home. I had homework to work on and had to be up early this morning to babysit. We all did video chat haha, this picture diana has "the whole world in her hands".


Friday, May 15, 2009


Took this picture from my car, my windows are dirty, yes I am aware of that. The sunset from school looked pretty sweet last night. 

Got to hang with Gaby and Liz for a while. It was fun just catching up with liz and see how she is doing. God is going to use her in some awesome ways and I look forward to what she will be doing with this drum company that she is starting up.



This is Brian(Left) and Andrew(right) they both love playing with the tinker toys we have at the daycare. They are building a flat screen television and their remotes to play their video games. They have big imaginations. It's great.



Tuesday night I met up with Diana at the best buy in fullerton. Sleep for Sleepers was having an acoustic release show(their rerelease came out on tuesday). I sadly didnt get any pictures because everyone in front of me was taller. The guys did a great job, I think the best part was when they went into a worship song. After Diana and I stuck around to say hi to all of them, well we got bored and took pictures on the mac that was nearby. 



Didnt go to class or work on monday, tried to get rest and get better. Cleaned my room, did some homework, nothing to great.


Sunday, May 10, 2009


Home sick. I am worse today and its no fun. I feel like I am dying, maybe thats exaggerating but whatever, it is how I feel. I took this picture with Photo Booth. Pajamas all day. This is one of my new sleep for sleepers shirt. gotta support those boys, they are great.



Saturday , I spent the day moving things from my pc to my new mac and in bed because I am pretty sick. Later on in the evening, Amanda,Michael, Diana and I had a video chat session haha.



Friday, I started to feel sick but still decided to hit up the Down For The Count Acoustic set in La Verne because it was so close to my house. The guys did such a great job, everyone sounded amazing that night. After Gaby, Mellyza and I hit up the mix bowl for food then we went to Liz's to hang with her roommates, Steve and Anthony. It was a pretty fun night.


Friday, May 8, 2009

So tuesday at the sleep for sleepers show, I bought all their merch, just like I said I would. yay! I am finally putting them up in my closest. I decided I'll probably wear them as pj shirts ha.



My mom and I were taking funny pictures in photo booth on my laptop, this is one of them.



Tuesday, Diana and I went out to the Knitting Factory to see Sleep for Sleepers. We ended up missing their set, I wasn't too happy about that. We watched the other two bands, they were good but I didnt really care lol. I was semi excited to see Falling Up headline because the last time I saw them was sometime in High School! They were so fun then, but after tuesday night, i didnt think they were very good live, but they didnt play any old material, just new, which i am not a fan of. Oh well. After the show, we all met up at In N Out down the street. Diana and I gave Jamey and Josh all our goodies we got for the band. They Loved it =).



oh yes. I finally got a macbook, a brand new one to be exact. My parents agreed to it and I am just going to pay them back in payments! I was so stoked!


Sunday, May 3, 2009


Today, I went to church with Gaby then came home to write a paper. Saturday my mom went up to bakersfield to see family we have there and she brought home a stack of cds for me from my second cousin. He didn't want them anymore so I got them! I am so stoked, because some of them I didnt have a hard copy of so now I do and others I never got around to buying! YESSSS for some more music.



Oh Saturday night was such a good night. Diana and I drove out to Santa Monica to see Brightwood at the Dakota Live Music Lounge. We got there and were about to pay for the show and the lady asked Diana for her ID. She then told us the show was 21+ so I complained about how we drove real far for the show and that no where on their website that it said that is was 21+. I then proceeded to tell her that Brightwood rarely played in the la area and this was one of my few chances, she then told us no still. So of course I kept pushing and she said we could go in(the guys were sound checking) and say hi real quick. While we were watching them sound check she came over and said we could stay but not to order drinks etc and to keep low! I was so stoked on that.

There was like 5 other people there by the time Brightwood went up. Before they played we got to talk to Andrew(the singer who is pictured above) and Collin. Those guys are such genuine nice guys. Andrew even asked what song I would like to hear since I was like the only one who knew who they were and all the trouble I had to go through in order to see them! So the guys played "Sit still". It was pretty awesome of him and the guys to do that for me. Their set was amazing. They played so many good songs and it was such a solid set. Seriously, their album sounds amazing but if you havent seen them live you need to!!!

After their set we met up with collin out back so Diana could buy merch. We hung out back there for a while just talking about music and everything in between then Collin walked us back to the front so we could get our keys from the valet service. We bid our good byes and then we headed off to see our friend Nate in Sherman Oaks!



Friday night, I met up with Cathrine and Amanda at chain to see Lorene Drive and My American Heart. At the end of the show both of them totally fan girled over Justin of My American Heart, that is my picture of the day! HAHAHA.

I think the best of the night, for me at least, was seeing Nate. He is such an awesome friend to have and to be honest, it was so weird not seeing him for a whole month, so like i said it was really good seeing him!



Thursday, I went with Diana, Amanda and Cathrine to Hollywood to see The Higher. It was a pretty fun show as usual. Diana took the photo and its of Reggie Boo!



My life during the weekdays is seriously consumed with homework which I do on my bed as I watch TV. Haha



Tuesday, was spent doing math homework and reading a book another class.
